Emergent Mind

Unsupervised Model Adaptation for Source-free Segmentation of Medical Images

Published Nov 2, 2022 in cs.CV and cs.LG


The recent prevalence of deep neural networks has lead semantic segmentation networks to achieve human-level performance in the medical field when sufficient training data is provided. Such networks however fail to generalize when tasked with predicting semantic maps for out-of-distribution images, requiring model re-training on the new distributions. This expensive process necessitates expert knowledge in order to generate training labels. Distribution shifts can arise naturally in the medical field via the choice of imaging device, i.e. MRI or CT scanners. To combat the need for labeling images in a target domain after a model is successfully trained in a fully annotated \textit{source domain} with a different data distribution, unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) can be used. Most UDA approaches ensure target generalization by creating a shared source/target latent feature space. This allows a source trained classifier to maintain performance on the target domain. However most UDA approaches require joint source and target data access, which may create privacy leaks with respect to patient information. We propose an UDA algorithm for medical image segmentation that does not require access to source data during adaptation, and is thus capable in maintaining patient data privacy. We rely on an approximation of the source latent features at adaptation time, and create a joint source/target embedding space by minimizing a distributional distance metric based on optimal transport. We demonstrate our approach is competitive to recent UDA medical segmentation works even with the added privacy requisite.

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