Emergent Mind


Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been applied to extracting speaker embeddings with significant success in speaker verification. Incorporating the attention mechanism has shown to be effective in improving the model performance. This paper presents an efficient two-dimensional convolution-based attention module, namely C2D-Att. The interaction between the convolution channel and frequency is involved in the attention calculation by lightweight convolution layers. This requires only a small number of parameters. Fine-grained attention weights are produced to represent channel and frequency-specific information. The weights are imposed on the input features to improve the representation ability for speaker modeling. The C2D-Att is integrated into a modified version of ResNet for speaker embedding extraction. Experiments are conducted on VoxCeleb datasets. The results show that C2DAtt is effective in generating discriminative attention maps and outperforms other attention methods. The proposed model shows robust performance with different scales of model size and achieves state-of-the-art results.

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