Emergent Mind

Flatter, faster: scaling momentum for optimal speedup of SGD

Published Oct 28, 2022 in cs.LG , cond-mat.dis-nn , and cond-mat.stat-mech


Commonly used optimization algorithms often show a trade-off between good generalization and fast training times. For instance, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) tends to have good generalization; however, adaptive gradient methods have superior training times. Momentum can help accelerate training with SGD, but so far there has been no principled way to select the momentum hyperparameter. Here we study training dynamics arising from the interplay between SGD with label noise and momentum in the training of overparametrized neural networks. We find that scaling the momentum hyperparameter $1-\beta$ with the learning rate to the power of $2/3$ maximally accelerates training, without sacrificing generalization. To analytically derive this result we develop an architecture-independent framework, where the main assumption is the existence of a degenerate manifold of global minimizers, as is natural in overparametrized models. Training dynamics display the emergence of two characteristic timescales that are well-separated for generic values of the hyperparameters. The maximum acceleration of training is reached when these two timescales meet, which in turn determines the scaling limit we propose. We confirm our scaling rule for synthetic regression problems (matrix sensing and teacher-student paradigm) and classification for realistic datasets (ResNet-18 on CIFAR10, 6-layer MLP on FashionMNIST), suggesting the robustness of our scaling rule to variations in architectures and datasets.

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