Emergent Mind

Multi-feature Dataset for Windows PE Malware Classification

Published Oct 28, 2022 in cs.CR


This paper describes a multi-feature dataset for training machine learning classifiers for detecting malicious Windows Portable Executable (PE) files. The dataset includes four feature sets from 18,551 binary samples belonging to five malware families including Spyware, Ransomware, Downloader, Backdoor and Generic Malware. The feature sets include the list of DLLs and their functions, values of different fields of PE Header and Sections. First, we explain the data collection and creation phase and then we explain how did we label the samples in it using VirusTotal's services. Finally, we explore the dataset to describe how this dataset can benefit the researchers for static malware analysis. The dataset is made public in the hope that it will help inspire machine learning research for malware detection.

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