Emergent Mind

Automated Reconstruction of 3D Open Surfaces from Sparse Point Clouds

Published Oct 26, 2022 in cs.CV and cs.GR


Real-world 3D data may contain intricate details defined by salient surface gaps. Automated reconstruction of these open surfaces (e.g., non-watertight meshes) is a challenging problem for environment synthesis in mixed reality applications. Current learning-based implicit techniques can achieve high fidelity on closed-surface reconstruction. However, their dependence on the distinction between the inside and outside of a surface makes them incapable of reconstructing open surfaces. Recently, a new class of implicit functions have shown promise in reconstructing open surfaces by regressing an unsigned distance field. Yet, these methods rely on a discretized representation of the raw data, which loses important surface details and can lead to outliers in the reconstruction. We propose IPVNet, a learning-based implicit model that predicts the unsigned distance between a surface and a query point in 3D space by leveraging both raw point cloud data and its discretized voxel counterpart. Experiments on synthetic and real-world public datasets demonstrates that IPVNet outperforms the state of the art while producing far fewer outliers in the reconstruction.

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