Emergent Mind


Recommender systems are widely used in industry to improve user experience. Despite great success, they have recently been criticized for collecting private user data. Federated Learning (FL) is a new paradigm for learning on distributed data without direct data sharing. Therefore, Federated Recommender (FedRec) systems are proposed to mitigate privacy concerns to non-distributed recommender systems. However, FedRec systems have a performance gap to its non-distributed counterpart. The main reason is that local clients have an incomplete user-item interaction graph, thus FedRec systems cannot utilize indirect user-item interactions well. In this paper, we propose the Federated Graph Recommender System (FedGRec) to mitigate this gap. Our FedGRec system can effectively exploit the indirect user-item interactions. More precisely, in our system, users and the server explicitly store latent embeddings for users and items, where the latent embeddings summarize different orders of indirect user-item interactions and are used as a proxy of missing interaction graph during local training. We perform extensive empirical evaluations to verify the efficacy of using latent embeddings as a proxy of missing interaction graph; the experimental results show superior performance of our system compared to various baselines. A short version of the paper is presented in \href{https://federated-learning.org/fl-neurips-2022/}{the FL-NeurIPS'22 workshop}.

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