Emergent Mind

Language-free Training for Zero-shot Video Grounding

Published Oct 24, 2022 in cs.CV


Given an untrimmed video and a language query depicting a specific temporal moment in the video, video grounding aims to localize the time interval by understanding the text and video simultaneously. One of the most challenging issues is an extremely time- and cost-consuming annotation collection, including video captions in a natural language form and their corresponding temporal regions. In this paper, we present a simple yet novel training framework for video grounding in the zero-shot setting, which learns a network with only video data without any annotation. Inspired by the recent language-free paradigm, i.e. training without language data, we train the network without compelling the generation of fake (pseudo) text queries into a natural language form. Specifically, we propose a method for learning a video grounding model by selecting a temporal interval as a hypothetical correct answer and considering the visual feature selected by our method in the interval as a language feature, with the help of the well-aligned visual-language space of CLIP. Extensive experiments demonstrate the prominence of our language-free training framework, outperforming the existing zero-shot video grounding method and even several weakly-supervised approaches with large margins on two standard datasets.

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