Emergent Mind


Few-shot segmentation (FSS) aims to segment unseen classes using a few annotated samples. Typically, a prototype representing the foreground class is extracted from annotated support image(s) and is matched to features representing each pixel in the query image. However, models learnt in this way are insufficiently discriminatory, and often produce false positives: misclassifying background pixels as foreground. Some FSS methods try to address this issue by using the background in the support image(s) to help identify the background in the query image. However, the backgrounds of theses images is often quite distinct, and hence, the support image background information is uninformative. This article proposes a method, QSR, that extracts the background from the query image itself, and as a result is better able to discriminate between foreground and background features in the query image. This is achieved by modifying the training process to associate prototypes with class labels including known classes from the training data and latent classes representing unknown background objects. This class information is then used to extract a background prototype from the query image. To successfully associate prototypes with class labels and extract a background prototype that is capable of predicting a mask for the background regions of the image, the machinery for extracting and using foreground prototypes is induced to become more discriminative between different classes. Experiments for both 1-shot and 5-shot FSS on both the PASCAL-5i and COCO-20i datasets demonstrate that the proposed method results in a significant improvement in performance for the baseline methods it is applied to. As QSR operates only during training, these improved results are produced with no extra computational complexity during testing.

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