Emergent Mind

DAGAD: Data Augmentation for Graph Anomaly Detection

Published Oct 18, 2022 in cs.LG


Graph anomaly detection in this paper aims to distinguish abnormal nodes that behave differently from the benign ones accounting for the majority of graph-structured instances. Receiving increasing attention from both academia and industry, yet existing research on this task still suffers from two critical issues when learning informative anomalous behavior from graph data. For one thing, anomalies are usually hard to capture because of their subtle abnormal behavior and the shortage of background knowledge about them, which causes severe anomalous sample scarcity. Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of objects in real-world graphs are normal, bringing the class imbalance problem as well. To bridge the gaps, this paper devises a novel Data Augmentation-based Graph Anomaly Detection (DAGAD) framework for attributed graphs, equipped with three specially designed modules: 1) an information fusion module employing graph neural network encoders to learn representations, 2) a graph data augmentation module that fertilizes the training set with generated samples, and 3) an imbalance-tailored learning module to discriminate the distributions of the minority (anomalous) and majority (normal) classes. A series of experiments on three datasets prove that DAGAD outperforms ten state-of-the-art baseline detectors concerning various mostly-used metrics, together with an extensive ablation study validating the strength of our proposed modules.

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