Emergent Mind


Robotics grasping refers to the task of making a robotic system pick an object by applying forces and torques on its surface. Despite the recent advances in data-driven approaches, grasping remains an unsolved problem. Most of the works on this task are relying on priors and heavy constraints to avoid the exploration problem. Novelty Search (NS) refers to evolutionary algorithms that replace selection of best performing individuals with selection of the most novel ones. Such methods have already shown promising results on hard exploration problems. In this work, we introduce a new NS-based method that can generate large datasets of grasping trajectories in a platform-agnostic manner. Inspired by the hierarchical learning paradigm, our method decouples approach and prehension to make the behavioral space smoother. Experiments conducted on 3 different robot-gripper setups and on several standard objects shows that our method outperforms state-of-the-art for generating diverse repertoire of grasping trajectories, getting a higher successful run ratio, as well as a better diversity for both approach and prehension. Some of the generated solutions have been successfully deployed on a real robot, showing the exploitability of the obtained repertoires.

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