Emergent Mind

A Finite Algorithm for the Realizabilty of a Delaunay Triangulation

Published Oct 8, 2022 in cs.DS and cs.CG


The \emph{Delaunay graph} of a point set $P \subseteq \mathbb{R}2$ is the plane graph with the vertex-set $P$ and the edge-set that contains ${p,p'}$ if there exists a disc whose intersection with $P$ is exactly ${p,p'}$. Accordingly, a triangulated graph $G$ is \emph{Delaunay realizable} if there exists a triangulation of the Delaunay graph of some $P \subseteq \mathbb{R}2$, called a \emph{Delaunay triangulation} of $P$, that is isomorphic to $G$. The objective of \textsc{Delaunay Realization} is to compute a point set $P \subseteq \mathbb{R}2$ that realizes a given graph $G$ (if such a $P$ exists). Known algorithms do not solve \textsc{Delaunay Realization} as they are non-constructive. Obtaining a constructive algorithm for \textsc{Delaunay Realization} was mentioned as an open problem by Hiroshima et al.~\cite{hiroshima2000}. We design an $n{\mathcal{O}(n)}$-time constructive algorithm for \textsc{Delaunay Realization}. In fact, our algorithm outputs sets of points with {\em integer} coordinates.

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