Emergent Mind

Rethinking the Detection Head Configuration for Traffic Object Detection

Published Oct 8, 2022 in cs.CV and eess.IV


Multi-scale detection plays an important role in object detection models. However, researchers usually feel blank on how to reasonably configure detection heads combining multi-scale features at different input resolutions. We find that there are different matching relationships between the object distribution and the detection head at different input resolutions. Based on the instructive findings, we propose a lightweight traffic object detection network based on matching between detection head and object distribution, termed as MHD-Net. It consists of three main parts. The first is the detection head and object distribution matching strategy, which guides the rational configuration of detection head, so as to leverage multi-scale features to effectively detect objects at vastly different scales. The second is the cross-scale detection head configuration guideline, which instructs to replace multiple detection heads with only two detection heads possessing of rich feature representations to achieve an excellent balance between detection accuracy, model parameters, FLOPs and detection speed. The third is the receptive field enlargement method, which combines the dilated convolution module with shallow features of backbone to further improve the detection accuracy at the cost of increasing model parameters very slightly. The proposed model achieves more competitive performance than other models on BDD100K dataset and our proposed ETFOD-v2 dataset. The code will be available.

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