Emergent Mind

Neural Volumetric Mesh Generator

Published Oct 6, 2022 in cs.CV and cs.AI


Deep generative models have shown success in generating 3D shapes with different representations. In this work, we propose Neural Volumetric Mesh Generator(NVMG) which can generate novel and high-quality volumetric meshes. Unlike the previous 3D generative model for point cloud, voxel, and implicit surface, the volumetric mesh representation is a ready-to-use representation in industry with details on both the surface and interior. Generating this such highly-structured data thus brings a significant challenge. We first propose a diffusion-based generative model to tackle this problem by generating voxelized shapes with close-to-reality outlines and structures. We can simply obtain a tetrahedral mesh as a template with the voxelized shape. Further, we use a voxel-conditional neural network to predict the smooth implicit surface conditioned on the voxels, and progressively project the tetrahedral mesh to the predicted surface under regularizations. The regularization terms are carefully designed so that they can (1) get rid of the defects like flipping and high distortion; (2) force the regularity of the interior and surface structure during the deformation procedure for a high-quality final mesh. As shown in the experiments, our pipeline can generate high-quality artifact-free volumetric and surface meshes from random noise or a reference image without any post-processing. Compared with the state-of-the-art voxel-to-mesh deformation method, we show more robustness and better performance when taking generated voxels as input.

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