Emergent Mind

Accelerated Single-Call Methods for Constrained Min-Max Optimization

Published Oct 6, 2022 in math.OC , cs.GT , and cs.LG


We study first-order methods for constrained min-max optimization. Existing methods either require two gradient calls or two projections in each iteration, which may be costly in some applications. In this paper, we first show that a variant of the Optimistic Gradient (OG) method, a single-call single-projection algorithm, has $O(\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}})$ best-iterate convergence rate for inclusion problems with operators that satisfy the weak Minty variation inequality (MVI). Our second result is the first single-call single-projection algorithm -- the Accelerated Reflected Gradient (ARG) method that achieves the optimal $O(\frac{1}{T})$ last-iterate convergence rate for inclusion problems that satisfy negative comonotonicity. Both the weak MVI and negative comonotonicity are well-studied assumptions and capture a rich set of non-convex non-concave min-max optimization problems. Finally, we show that the Reflected Gradient (RG) method, another single-call single-projection algorithm, has $O(\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}})$ last-iterate convergence rate for constrained convex-concave min-max optimization, answering an open problem of [Heish et al, 2019]. Our convergence rates hold for standard measures such as the tangent residual and the natural residual.

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