Emergent Mind

Linear Convergence of Natural Policy Gradient Methods with Log-Linear Policies

Published Oct 4, 2022 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and math.OC


We consider infinite-horizon discounted Markov decision processes and study the convergence rates of the natural policy gradient (NPG) and the Q-NPG methods with the log-linear policy class. Using the compatible function approximation framework, both methods with log-linear policies can be written as inexact versions of the policy mirror descent (PMD) method. We show that both methods attain linear convergence rates and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(1/\epsilon2)$ sample complexities using a simple, non-adaptive geometrically increasing step size, without resorting to entropy or other strongly convex regularization. Lastly, as a byproduct, we obtain sublinear convergence rates for both methods with arbitrary constant step size.

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