Emergent Mind

Minimal entropy production in anisotropic temperature fields

Published Oct 3, 2022 in cond-mat.stat-mech , cs.SY , and eess.SY


Anisotropy of temperature fields, chemical potentials and ion concentration gradients provide the fuel that feeds dynamical processes that sustain life. Dynamical flows in respective environments incur losses manifested as entropy production. In this work we consider a rudimentary model of an overdamped stochastic thermodynamic system in an anisotropic temperature heat bath, and analyze the problem to minimize entropy production while driving the system between thermodynamic states in finite time. It is noted that entropy production in a fully isotropic temperature field, can be expressed as the Wasserstein-2 length of the path traversed by the thermodynamic state of the system. In the presence of an anisotropic temperature field, the mechanism of entropy production is substantially more complicated as, besides dissipation, it entails seepage of energy between the ambient heat sources by way of the system dynamics. We show that, in this case, the entropy production can be expressed as the solution of a suitably constrained and generalized Optimal Mass Transport (OMT) problem. In contrast to the situation in standard OMT, entropy production may not be identically zero, even when the thermodynamic state remains unchanged. Physically, this is due to the fact that maintaining a Non-Equilibrium Steady State (NESS), incurs an intrinsic entropic cost. As already noted, NESSs are the hallmark of life and living systems by necessity operate away from equilibrium. Thus our problem of minimizing entropy production appears of central importance in understanding biological processes, such as molecular motors and motor proteins, and on how such processes may have evolved to optimize for available usage of resources.

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