Emergent Mind

Large-scale machine-learning-assisted exploration of the whole materials space

Published Oct 2, 2022 in cond-mat.mtrl-sci , cs.LG , and physics.comp-ph


Crystal-graph attention networks have emerged recently as remarkable tools for the prediction of thermodynamic stability and materials properties from unrelaxed crystal structures. Previous networks trained on two million materials exhibited, however, strong biases originating from underrepresented chemical elements and structural prototypes in the available data. We tackled this issue computing additional data to provide better balance across both chemical and crystal-symmetry space. Crystal-graph networks trained with this new data show unprecedented generalization accuracy, and allow for reliable, accelerated exploration of the whole space of inorganic compounds. We applied this universal network to perform machine-learning assisted high-throughput materials searches including 2500 binary and ternary structure prototypes and spanning about 1 billion compounds. After validation using density-functional theory, we uncover in total 19512 additional materials on the convex hull of thermodynamic stability and ~150000 compounds with a distance of less than 50 meV/atom from the hull. Combining again machine learning and ab-initio methods, we finally evaluate the discovered materials for applications as superconductors, superhard materials, and we look for candidates with large gap deformation potentials, finding several compounds with extreme values of these properties.

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