Emergent Mind

FoVR: Attention-based VR Streaming through Bandwidth-limited Wireless Networks

Published Sep 30, 2022 in cs.NI and cs.MM


Consumer Virtual Reality (VR) has been widely used in various application areas, such as entertainment and medicine. In spite of the superb immersion experience, to enable high-quality VR on untethered mobile devices remains an extremely challenging task. The high bandwidth demands of VR streaming generally overburden a conventional wireless connection, which affects the user experience and in turn limits the usability of VR in practice. In this paper, we propose FoVR, attention-based hierarchical VR streaming through bandwidth-limited wireless networks. The design of FoVR stems from the insight that human's vision is hierarchical, so that different areas in the field of view (FoV) can be served with VR content of different qualities. By exploiting the gaze tracking capacity of the VR devices, FoVR is able to accurately predict the user's attention so that the streaming of hierarchical VR can be appropriately scheduled. In this way, FoVR significantly reduces the bandwidth cost and computing cost while keeping high quality of user experience. We implement FoVR on a commercial VR device and evaluate its performance in various scenarios. The experiment results show that FoVR reduces the bandwidth cost by 88.9% and 76.2%, respectively compared to the original VR streaming and the state-of-the-art approach.

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