Emergent Mind

Accurate global machine learning force fields for molecules with hundreds of atoms

Published Sep 29, 2022 in physics.chem-ph and physics.comp-ph


Global machine learning force fields (MLFFs), that have the capacity to capture collective many-atom interactions in molecular systems, currently only scale up to a few dozen atoms due a considerable growth of the model complexity with system size. For larger molecules, locality assumptions are typically introduced, with the consequence that non-local interactions are poorly or not at all described, even if those interactions are contained within the reference ab initio data. Here, we approach this challenge and develop an exact iterative parameter-free approach to train global symmetric gradient domain machine learning (sGDML) force fields for systems with up to several hundred atoms, without resorting to any localization of atomic interactions or other potentially uncontrolled approximations. This means that all atomic degrees of freedom remain fully correlated in the global sGDML FF, allowing the accurate description of complex molecules and materials that present phenomena with far-reaching characteristic correlation lengths. We assess the accuracy and efficiency of our MLFFs on a newly developed MD22 benchmark dataset containing molecules from 42 to 370 atoms. The robustness of our approach is demonstrated in nanosecond long path-integral molecular dynamics simulations for the supramolecular complexes in the MD22 dataset.

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