Emergent Mind

Increasing Model Generalizability for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Published Sep 29, 2022 in cs.LG and cs.CV


A dominant approach for addressing unsupervised domain adaptation is to map data points for the source and the target domains into an embedding space which is modeled as the output-space of a shared deep encoder. The encoder is trained to make the embedding space domain-agnostic to make a source-trained classifier generalizable on the target domain. A secondary mechanism to improve UDA performance further is to make the source domain distribution more compact to improve model generalizability. We demonstrate that increasing the interclass margins in the embedding space can help to develop a UDA algorithm with improved performance. We estimate the internally learned multi-modal distribution for the source domain, learned as a result of pretraining, and use it to increase the interclass class separation in the source domain to reduce the effect of domain shift. We demonstrate that using our approach leads to improved model generalizability on four standard benchmark UDA image classification datasets and compares favorably against exiting methods.

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