Emergent Mind


The recent advances of compressing high-accuracy convolution neural networks (CNNs) have witnessed remarkable progress for real-time object detection. To accelerate detection speed, lightweight detectors always have few convolution layers using single-path backbone. Single-path architecture, however, involves continuous pooling and downsampling operations, always resulting in coarse and inaccurate feature maps that are disadvantageous to locate objects. On the other hand, due to limited network capacity, recent lightweight networks are often weak in representing large scale visual data. To address these problems, this paper presents a dual-path network, named DPNet, with a lightweight attention scheme for real-time object detection. The dual-path architecture enables us to parallelly extract high-level semantic features and low-level object details. Although DPNet has nearly duplicated shape with respect to single-path detectors, the computational costs and model size are not significantly increased. To enhance representation capability, a lightweight self-correlation module (LSCM) is designed to capture global interactions, with only few computational overheads and network parameters. In neck, LSCM is extended into a lightweight crosscorrelation module (LCCM), capturing mutual dependencies among neighboring scale features. We have conducted exhaustive experiments on MS COCO and Pascal VOC 2007 datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that DPNet achieves state-of the-art trade-off between detection accuracy and implementation efficiency. Specifically, DPNet achieves 30.5% AP on MS COCO test-dev and 81.5% mAP on Pascal VOC 2007 test set, together mwith nearly 2.5M model size, 1.04 GFLOPs, and 164 FPS and 196 FPS for 320 x 320 input images of two datasets.

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