Emergent Mind

Clustering by Direct Optimization of the Medoid Silhouette

Published Sep 26, 2022 in cs.LG and stat.ML


The evaluation of clustering results is difficult, highly dependent on the evaluated data set and the perspective of the beholder. There are many different clustering quality measures, which try to provide a general measure to validate clustering results. A very popular measure is the Silhouette. We discuss the efficient medoid-based variant of the Silhouette, perform a theoretical analysis of its properties, and provide two fast versions for the direct optimization. We combine ideas from the original Silhouette with the well-known PAM algorithm and its latest improvements FasterPAM. One of the versions guarantees equal results to the original variant and provides a run speedup of $O(k2)$. In experiments on real data with 30000 samples and $k$=100, we observed a 10464$\times$ speedup compared to the original PAMMEDSIL algorithm.

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