Emergent Mind


We continue the study of graph classes in which the treewidth can only be large due to the presence of a large clique, and, more specifically, of graph classes with bounded tree-independence number. In [Dallard, Milani\v{c}, and \v{S}torgel, Treewidth versus clique number. {II}. Tree-independence number, 2022], it was shown that the Maximum Weight Independent Packing problem, which is a common generalization of the Independent Set and Induced Matching problems, can be solved in polynomial time provided that the input graph is given along with a tree decomposition with bounded independence number. We provide further examples of algorithmic problems that can be solved in polynomial time under this assumption. This includes, for all even positive integers $d$, the problem of packing subgraphs at distance at least $d$ (generalizing the Maximum Weight Independent Packing problem) and the problem of finding a large induced sparse subgraph satisfying an arbitrary but fixed property expressible in counting monadic second-order logic. As part of our approach, we generalize some classical results on powers of chordal graphs to the context of general graphs and their tree-independence numbers.

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