Emergent Mind

On star-$k$-PCGs: Exploring class boundaries for small $k$ values

Published Sep 23, 2022 in math.CO and cs.DM


A graph $G=(V,E)$ is a star-$k$-PCG if there exists a weight function $w: V \rightarrow R+$ and $k$ mutually exclusive intervals $I1, I2, \ldots Ik$, such that there is an edge $uv \in E$ if and only if $w(u)+w(v) \in \bigcupi I_i$. These graphs are related to two important classes of graphs: PCGs and multithreshold graphs. It is known that for any graph $G$ there exists a $k$ such that $G$ is a star-$k$-PCG. Thus, for a given graph $G$ it is interesting to know which is the minimum $k$ such that $G$ is a star-$k$-PCG. We define this minimum $k$ as the star number of the graph, denoted by $\gamma(G)$. Here we investigate the star number of simple graph classes, such as graphs of small size, caterpillars, cycles and grids. Specifically, we determine the exact value of $\gamma(G)$ for all the graphs with at most 7 vertices. By doing so we show that the smallest graphs with star number 2 are only 4 and have exactly 5 vertices; the smallest graphs with star number 3 are only 3 and have exactly 7 vertices. Next, we provide a construction showing that the star number of caterpillars is one. Moreover, we show that the star number of cycles and two dimensional grid graphs is 2 and that the star number of $4$-dimensional grids is at least 3. Finally, we conclude with numerous open problems.

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