Emergent Mind


Using large datasets in machine learning has led to outstanding results, in some cases outperforming humans in tasks that were believed impossible for machines. However, achieving human-level performance when dealing with physically interactive tasks, e.g., in contact-rich robotic manipulation, is still a big challenge. It is well known that regulating the Cartesian impedance for such operations is of utmost importance for their successful execution. Approaches like reinforcement Learning (RL) can be a promising paradigm for solving such problems. More precisely, approaches that use task-agnostic expert demonstrations to bootstrap learning when solving new tasks have a huge potential since they can exploit large datasets. However, existing data collection systems are expensive, complex, or do not allow for impedance regulation. This work represents a first step towards a data collection framework suitable for collecting large datasets of impedance-based expert demonstrations compatible with the RL problem formulation, where a novel action space is used. The framework is designed according to requirements acquired after an extensive analysis of available data collection frameworks for robotics manipulation. The result is a low-cost and open-access tele-impedance framework which makes human experts capable of demonstrating contact-rich tasks.

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