Emergent Mind

DeePhy: On Deepfake Phylogeny

Published Sep 19, 2022 in cs.CV


Deepfake refers to tailored and synthetically generated videos which are now prevalent and spreading on a large scale, threatening the trustworthiness of the information available online. While existing datasets contain different kinds of deepfakes which vary in their generation technique, they do not consider progression of deepfakes in a "phylogenetic" manner. It is possible that an existing deepfake face is swapped with another face. This process of face swapping can be performed multiple times and the resultant deepfake can be evolved to confuse the deepfake detection algorithms. Further, many databases do not provide the employed generative model as target labels. Model attribution helps in enhancing the explainability of the detection results by providing information on the generative model employed. In order to enable the research community to address these questions, this paper proposes DeePhy, a novel Deepfake Phylogeny dataset which consists of 5040 deepfake videos generated using three different generation techniques. There are 840 videos of one-time swapped deepfakes, 2520 videos of two-times swapped deepfakes and 1680 videos of three-times swapped deepfakes. With over 30 GBs in size, the database is prepared in over 1100 hours using 18 GPUs of 1,352 GB cumulative memory. We also present the benchmark on DeePhy dataset using six deepfake detection algorithms. The results highlight the need to evolve the research of model attribution of deepfakes and generalize the process over a variety of deepfake generation techniques. The database is available at: http://iab-rubric.org/deephy-database

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