Emergent Mind

Embedding Irregular Colorings into Connected Factorizations

Published Sep 14, 2022 in math.CO and cs.DM


For $r:=(r1,\dots,rk)$, an $r$-factorization of the complete $\lambda$-fold $h$-uniform $n$-vertex hypergraph $\lambda Knh$ is a partition of (the edges of) $\lambda Knh$ into $F1,\dots, Fk$ such that for $i=1,\dots,k$, $Fi$ is $ri$-regular and spanning. Suppose that $n \geq (h-1)(2m-1)$. Given a partial $r$-factorization of $\lambda Kmh$, that is, a coloring (i.e. partition) $P$ of the edges of $\lambda Kmh$ into $F1,\dots, Fk$ such that for $i=1,\dots,k$, $Fi$ is spanning and the degree of each vertex in $Fi$ is at most $ri$, we find necessary and sufficient conditions that ensure $P$ can be extended to a connected $r$-factorization of $\lambda Knh$ (i.e. an $r$-factorization in which each factor is connected). Moreover, we prove a general result that implies the following. Given a partial $s$-factorization $P$ of any sub-hypergraph of $\lambda Kmh$, where $s:=(s1,\dots,sq)$ and $q$ is not too big, we find necessary and sufficient conditions under which $P$ can be embedded into a connected $r$-factorization of $\lambda Knh$. These results can be seen as unified generalizations of various classical combinatorial results such as Cruse's theorem on embedding partial symmetric latin squares, Baranyai's theorem on factorization of hypergraphs, Hilton's theorem on extending path decompositions into Hamiltonian decompositions, H\"{a}ggkvist and Hellgren's theorem on extending 1-factorizations, and Hilton, Johnson, Rodger, and Wantland's theorem on embedding connected factorizations.

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