Emergent Mind

Understanding the Behavior of Belief Propagation

Published Sep 5, 2022 in cs.AI , cs.LG , and stat.ML


Probabilistic graphical models are a powerful concept for modeling high-dimensional distributions. Besides modeling distributions, probabilistic graphical models also provide an elegant framework for performing statistical inference; because of the high-dimensional nature, however, one must often use approximate methods for this purpose. Belief propagation performs approximate inference, is efficient, and looks back on a long success-story. Yet, in most cases, belief propagation lacks any performance and convergence guarantees. Many realistic problems are presented by graphical models with loops, however, in which case belief propagation is neither guaranteed to provide accurate estimates nor that it converges at all. This thesis investigates how the model parameters influence the performance of belief propagation. We are particularly interested in their influence on (i) the number of fixed points, (ii) the convergence properties, and (iii) the approximation quality.

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