Emergent Mind


Distinguishing between computer-generated (CG) and natural photographic (PG) images is of great importance to verify the authenticity and originality of digital images. However, the recent cutting-edge generation methods enable high qualities of synthesis in CG images, which makes this challenging task even trickier. To address this issue, a joint learning strategy with deep texture and high-frequency features for CG image detection is proposed. We first formulate and deeply analyze the different acquisition processes of CG and PG images. Based on the finding that multiple different modules in image acquisition will lead to different sensitivity inconsistencies to the convolutional neural network (CNN)-based rendering in images, we propose a deep texture rendering module for texture difference enhancement and discriminative texture representation. Specifically, the semantic segmentation map is generated to guide the affine transformation operation, which is used to recover the texture in different regions of the input image. Then, the combination of the original image and the high-frequency components of the original and rendered images are fed into a multi-branch neural network equipped with attention mechanisms, which refines intermediate features and facilitates trace exploration in spatial and channel dimensions respectively. Extensive experiments on two public datasets and a newly constructed dataset with more realistic and diverse images show that the proposed approach outperforms existing methods in the field by a clear margin. Besides, results also demonstrate the detection robustness and generalization ability of the proposed approach to postprocessing operations and generative adversarial network (GAN) generated images.

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