Emergent Mind


Ophthalmic images and derivatives such as the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness map are crucial for detecting and monitoring ophthalmic diseases (e.g., glaucoma). For computer-aided diagnosis of eye diseases, the key technique is to automatically extract meaningful features from ophthalmic images that can reveal the biomarkers (e.g., RNFL thinning patterns) linked to functional vision loss. However, representation learning from ophthalmic images that links structural retinal damage with human vision loss is non-trivial mostly due to large anatomical variations between patients. The task becomes even more challenging in the presence of image artifacts, which are common due to issues with image acquisition and automated segmentation. In this paper, we propose an artifact-tolerant unsupervised learning framework termed EyeLearn for learning representations of ophthalmic images. EyeLearn has an artifact correction module to learn representations that can best predict artifact-free ophthalmic images. In addition, EyeLearn adopts a clustering-guided contrastive learning strategy to explicitly capture the intra- and inter-image affinities. During training, images are dynamically organized in clusters to form contrastive samples in which images in the same or different clusters are encouraged to learn similar or dissimilar representations, respectively. To evaluate EyeLearn, we use the learned representations for visual field prediction and glaucoma detection using a real-world ophthalmic image dataset of glaucoma patients. Extensive experiments and comparisons with state-of-the-art methods verified the effectiveness of EyeLearn for learning optimal feature representations from ophthalmic images.

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