Emergent Mind

ByteStore: Hybrid Layouts for Main-Memory Column Stores

Published Sep 1, 2022 in cs.DB


The performance of main memory column stores highly depends on the scan and lookup operations on the base column layouts. Existing column-stores adopt a homogeneous column layout, leading to sub-optimal performance on real workloads since different columns possess different data characteristics. In this paper, we propose ByteStore, a column store that uses different storage layouts for different columns. We first present a novel data-conscious column layout, PP-VBS (Prefix-Preserving Variable Byte Slice). PP-VBS exploits data skew to accelerate scans without sacrificing lookup performance. Then, we present an experiment-driven column layout advisor to select individual column layouts for a workload. Extensive experiments on real data show that ByteStore outperforms homogeneous storage engines by up to 5.2X.

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