Emergent Mind

Identifying Weight-Variant Latent Causal Models

Published Aug 30, 2022 in cs.LG and stat.ML


The task of causal representation learning aims to uncover latent higher-level causal representations that affect lower-level observations. Identifying true latent causal representations from observed data, while allowing instantaneous causal relations among latent variables, remains a challenge, however. To this end, we start from the analysis of three intrinsic properties in identifying latent space from observations: transitivity, permutation indeterminacy, and scaling indeterminacy. We find that transitivity acts as a key role in impeding the identifiability of latent causal representations. To address the unidentifiable issue due to transitivity, we introduce a novel identifiability condition where the underlying latent causal model satisfies a linear-Gaussian model, in which the causal coefficients and the distribution of Gaussian noise are modulated by an additional observed variable. Under some mild assumptions, we can show that the latent causal representations can be identified up to trivial permutation and scaling. Furthermore, based on this theoretical result, we propose a novel method, termed Structural caUsAl Variational autoEncoder, which directly learns latent causal representations and causal relationships among them, together with the mapping from the latent causal variables to the observed ones. We show that the proposed method learns the true parameters asymptotically. Experimental results on synthetic and real data demonstrate the identifiability and consistency results and the efficacy of the proposed method in learning latent causal representations.

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