Emergent Mind

Strictly-Convex Drawings of $3$-Connected Planar Graphs

Published Aug 29, 2022 in cs.CG


Strictly-convex straight-line drawings of $3$-connected planar graphs in small area form a classical research topic in Graph Drawing. Currently, the best-known area bound for such drawings is $O(n2) \times O(n2)$, as shown by B\'{a}r\'{a}ny and Rote by means of a sophisticated technique based on perturbing (non-strictly) convex drawings. Unfortunately, the hidden constants in such area bound are in the $104$ order. We present a new and easy-to-implement technique that yields strictly-convex straight-line planar drawings of $3$-connected planar graphs on an integer grid of size $2(n-1) \times (5n3-4n2)$.

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