Emergent Mind

Partial Matrix Completion

Published Aug 25, 2022 in cs.LG , cs.DS , and cs.IR


The matrix completion problem aims to reconstruct a low-rank matrix based on a revealed set of possibly noisy entries. Prior works consider completing the entire matrix with generalization error guarantees. However, the completion accuracy can be drastically different over different entries. This work establishes a new framework of partial matrix completion, where the goal is to identify a large subset of the entries that can be completed with high confidence. We propose an efficient algorithm with the following provable guarantees. Given access to samples from an unknown and arbitrary distribution, it guarantees: (a) high accuracy over completed entries, and (b) high coverage of the underlying distribution. We also consider an online learning variant of this problem, where we propose a low-regret algorithm based on iterative gradient updates. Preliminary empirical evaluations are included.

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