Emergent Mind

Data Augmentation for Graph Data: Recent Advancements

Published Aug 25, 2022 in cs.LG


Graph Neural Network (GNNs) based methods have recently become a popular tool to deal with graph data because of their ability to incorporate structural information. The only hurdle in the performance of GNNs is the lack of labeled data. Data Augmentation techniques for images and text data can not be used for graph data because of the complex and non-euclidean structure of graph data. This gap has forced researchers to shift their focus towards the development of data augmentation techniques for graph data. Most of the proposed Graph Data Augmentation (GDA) techniques are task-specific. In this paper, we survey the existing GDA techniques based on different graph tasks. This survey not only provides a reference to the research community of GDA but also provides the necessary information to the researchers of other domains.

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