Emergent Mind

Hyperparameter Optimization for Unsupervised Outlier Detection

Published Aug 24, 2022 in cs.LG


Given an unsupervised outlier detection (OD) algorithm, how can we optimize its hyperparameter(s) (HP) on a new dataset, without any labels? In this work, we address this challenging hyperparameter optimization for unsupervised OD problem, and propose the first systematic approach called HPOD that is based on meta-learning. HPOD capitalizes on the prior performance of a large collection of HPs on existing OD benchmark datasets, and transfers this information to enable HP evaluation on a new dataset without labels. Moreover, HPOD adapts a prominent sampling paradigm to identify promising HPs efficiently. Extensive experiments show that HPOD works with both deep (e.g., Robust AutoEncoder) and shallow (e.g., Local Outlier Factor (LOF) and Isolation Forest (iForest)) OD algorithms on discrete and continuous HP spaces, and outperforms a wide range of baselines with on average 58% and 66% performance improvement over the default HPs of LOF and iForest.

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