Emergent Mind

AGO-Net: Association-Guided 3D Point Cloud Object Detection Network

Published Aug 24, 2022 in cs.CV and cs.AI


The human brain can effortlessly recognize and localize objects, whereas current 3D object detection methods based on LiDAR point clouds still report inferior performance for detecting occluded and distant objects: the point cloud appearance varies greatly due to occlusion, and has inherent variance in point densities along the distance to sensors. Therefore, designing feature representations robust to such point clouds is critical. Inspired by human associative recognition, we propose a novel 3D detection framework that associates intact features for objects via domain adaptation. We bridge the gap between the perceptual domain, where features are derived from real scenes with sub-optimal representations, and the conceptual domain, where features are extracted from augmented scenes that consist of non-occlusion objects with rich detailed information. A feasible method is investigated to construct conceptual scenes without external datasets. We further introduce an attention-based re-weighting module that adaptively strengthens the feature adaptation of more informative regions. The network's feature enhancement ability is exploited without introducing extra cost during inference, which is plug-and-play in various 3D detection frameworks. We achieve new state-of-the-art performance on the KITTI 3D detection benchmark in both accuracy and speed. Experiments on nuScenes and Waymo datasets also validate the versatility of our method.

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