Emergent Mind

Learning Better Masking for Better Language Model Pre-training

Published Aug 23, 2022 in cs.CL


Masked Language Modeling (MLM) has been widely used as the denoising objective in pre-training language models (PrLMs). Existing PrLMs commonly adopt a Random-Token Masking strategy where a fixed masking ratio is applied and different contents are masked by an equal probability throughout the entire training. However, the model may receive complicated impact from pre-training status, which changes accordingly as training time goes on. In this paper, we show that such time-invariant MLM settings on masking ratio and masked content are unlikely to deliver an optimal outcome, which motivates us to explore the influence of time-variant MLM settings. We propose two scheduled masking approaches that adaptively tune the masking ratio and masked content in different training stages, which improves the pre-training efficiency and effectiveness verified on the downstream tasks. Our work is a pioneer study on time-variant masking strategy on ratio and content and gives a better understanding of how masking ratio and masked content influence the MLM pre-training.

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