Emergent Mind


Quantitative analysis of fetal lung Diffusion-Weighted MRI (DWI) data shows potential in providing quantitative imaging biomarkers that indirectly reflect fetal lung maturation. However, fetal motion during the acquisition hampered quantitative analysis of the acquired DWI data and, consequently, reliable clinical utilization. We introduce qDWI-morph, an unsupervised deep-neural-network architecture for motion compensated quantitative DWI (qDWI) analysis. Our approach couples a registration sub-network with a quantitative DWI model fitting sub-network. We simultaneously estimate the qDWI parameters and the motion model by minimizing a bio-physically-informed loss function integrating a registration loss and a model fitting quality loss. We demonstrated the added-value of qDWI-morph over: 1) a baseline qDWI analysis without motion compensation and 2) a baseline deep-learning model incorporating registration loss solely. The qDWI-morph achieved a substantially improved correlation with the gestational age through in-vivo qDWI analysis of fetal lung DWI data (R-squared=0.32 vs. 0.13, 0.28). Our qDWI-morph has the potential to enable motion-compensated quantitative analysis of DWI data and to provide clinically feasible bio-markers for non-invasive fetal lung maturity assessment. Our code is available at: https://github.com/TechnionComputationalMRILab/qDWI-Morph.

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