Emergent Mind

Siamese Prototypical Contrastive Learning

Published Aug 18, 2022 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Contrastive Self-supervised Learning (CSL) is a practical solution that learns meaningful visual representations from massive data in an unsupervised approach. The ordinary CSL embeds the features extracted from neural networks onto specific topological structures. During the training progress, the contrastive loss draws the different views of the same input together while pushing the embeddings from different inputs apart. One of the drawbacks of CSL is that the loss term requires a large number of negative samples to provide better mutual information bound ideally. However, increasing the number of negative samples by larger running batch size also enhances the effects of false negatives: semantically similar samples are pushed apart from the anchor, hence downgrading downstream performance. In this paper, we tackle this problem by introducing a simple but effective contrastive learning framework. The key insight is to employ siamese-style metric loss to match intra-prototype features, while increasing the distance between inter-prototype features. We conduct extensive experiments on various benchmarks where the results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on improving the quality of visual representations. Specifically, our unsupervised pre-trained ResNet-50 with a linear probe, out-performs the fully-supervised trained version on the ImageNet-1K dataset.

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