Emergent Mind


Domain adaptation is of huge interest as labeling is an expensive and error-prone task, especially when labels are needed on pixel-level like in semantic segmentation. Therefore, one would like to be able to train neural networks on synthetic domains, where data is abundant and labels are precise. However, these models often perform poorly on out-of-domain images. To mitigate the shift in the input, image-to-image approaches can be used. Nevertheless, standard image-to-image approaches that bridge the domain of deployment with the synthetic training domain do not focus on the downstream task but only on the visual inspection level. We therefore propose a "task aware" version of a GAN in an image-to-image domain adaptation approach. With the help of a small amount of labeled ground truth data, we guide the image-to-image translation to a more suitable input image for a semantic segmentation network trained on synthetic data (synthetic-domain expert). The main contributions of this work are 1) a modular semi-supervised domain adaptation method for semantic segmentation by training a downstream task aware CycleGAN while refraining from adapting the synthetic semantic segmentation expert 2) the demonstration that the method is applicable to complex domain adaptation tasks and 3) a less biased domain gap analysis by using from scratch networks. We evaluate our method on a classification task as well as on semantic segmentation. Our experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms CycleGAN - a standard image-to-image approach - by 7 percent points in accuracy in a classification task using only 70 (10%) ground truth images. For semantic segmentation we can show an improvement of about 4 to 7 percent points in mean Intersection over union on the Cityscapes evaluation dataset with only 14 ground truth images during training.

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