Emergent Mind

A Two-Phase Paradigm for Joint Entity-Relation Extraction

Published Aug 18, 2022 in cs.CL


An exhaustive study has been conducted to investigate span-based models for the joint entity and relation extraction task. However, these models sample a large number of negative entities and negative relations during the model training, which are essential but result in grossly imbalanced data distributions and in turn cause suboptimal model performance. In order to address the above issues, we propose a two-phase paradigm for the span-based joint entity and relation extraction, which involves classifying the entities and relations in the first phase, and predicting the types of these entities and relations in the second phase. The two-phase paradigm enables our model to significantly reduce the data distribution gap, including the gap between negative entities and other entities, as well as the gap between negative relations and other relations. In addition, we make the first attempt at combining entity type and entity distance as global features, which has proven effective, especially for the relation extraction. Experimental results on several datasets demonstrate that the spanbased joint extraction model augmented with the two-phase paradigm and the global features consistently outperforms previous state-of-the-art span-based models for the joint extraction task, establishing a new standard benchmark. Qualitative and quantitative analyses further validate the effectiveness the proposed paradigm and the global features.

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