Emergent Mind

ObfuNAS: A Neural Architecture Search-based DNN Obfuscation Approach

Published Aug 17, 2022 in cs.CR and cs.LG


Malicious architecture extraction has been emerging as a crucial concern for deep neural network (DNN) security. As a defense, architecture obfuscation is proposed to remap the victim DNN to a different architecture. Nonetheless, we observe that, with only extracting an obfuscated DNN architecture, the adversary can still retrain a substitute model with high performance (e.g., accuracy), rendering the obfuscation techniques ineffective. To mitigate this under-explored vulnerability, we propose ObfuNAS, which converts the DNN architecture obfuscation into a neural architecture search (NAS) problem. Using a combination of function-preserving obfuscation strategies, ObfuNAS ensures that the obfuscated DNN architecture can only achieve lower accuracy than the victim. We validate the performance of ObfuNAS with open-source architecture datasets like NAS-Bench-101 and NAS-Bench-301. The experimental results demonstrate that ObfuNAS can successfully find the optimal mask for a victim model within a given FLOPs constraint, leading up to 2.6% inference accuracy degradation for attackers with only 0.14x FLOPs overhead. The code is available at: https://github.com/Tongzhou0101/ObfuNAS.

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