Emergent Mind


We develop an approach for text-to-image generation that embraces additional retrieval images, driven by a combination of implicit visual guidance loss and generative objectives. Unlike most existing text-to-image generation methods which merely take the text as input, our method dynamically feeds cross-modal search results into a unified training stage, hence improving the quality, controllability and diversity of generation results. We propose a novel hypernetwork modulated visual-text encoding scheme to predict the weight update of the encoding layer, enabling effective transfer from visual information (e.g. layout, content) into the corresponding latent domain. Experimental results show that our model guided with additional retrieval visual data outperforms existing GAN-based models. On COCO dataset, we achieve better FID of $9.13$ with up to $3.5 \times$ fewer generator parameters, compared with the state-of-the-art method.

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