Emergent Mind

Feature-Based Time-Series Analysis in R using the theft Package

Published Aug 12, 2022 in stat.ML , cs.LG , cs.MS , q-bio.QM , stat.AP , and stat.ME


Time series are measured and analyzed across the sciences. One method of quantifying the structure of time series is by calculating a set of summary statistics or `features', and then representing a time series in terms of its properties as a feature vector. The resulting feature space is interpretable and informative, and enables conventional statistical learning approaches, including clustering, regression, and classification, to be applied to time-series datasets. Many open-source software packages for computing sets of time-series features exist across multiple programming languages, including catch22 (22 features: Matlab, R, Python, Julia), feasts (42 features: R), tsfeatures (63 features: R), Kats (40 features: Python), tsfresh (779 features: Python), and TSFEL (390 features: Python). However, there are several issues: (i) a singular access point to these packages is not currently available; (ii) to access all feature sets, users must be fluent in multiple languages; and (iii) these feature-extraction packages lack extensive accompanying methodological pipelines for performing feature-based time-series analysis, such as applications to time-series classification. Here we introduce a solution to these issues in an R software package called theft: Tools for Handling Extraction of Features from Time series. theft is a unified and extendable framework for computing features from the six open-source time-series feature sets listed above. It also includes a suite of functions for processing and interpreting the performance of extracted features, including extensive data-visualization templates, low-dimensional projections, and time-series classification operations. With an increasing volume and complexity of time-series datasets in the sciences and industry, theft provides a standardized framework for comprehensively quantifying and interpreting informative structure in time series.

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