Emergent Mind

Best Policy Identification in Linear MDPs

Published Aug 11, 2022 in cs.LG and stat.ML


We investigate the problem of best policy identification in discounted linear Markov Decision Processes in the fixed confidence setting under a generative model. We first derive an instance-specific lower bound on the expected number of samples required to identify an $\varepsilon$-optimal policy with probability $1-\delta$. The lower bound characterizes the optimal sampling rule as the solution of an intricate non-convex optimization program, but can be used as the starting point to devise simple and near-optimal sampling rules and algorithms. We devise such algorithms. One of these exhibits a sample complexity upper bounded by ${\cal O}({\frac{d}{(\varepsilon+\Delta)2}} (\log(\frac{1}{\delta})+d))$ where $\Delta$ denotes the minimum reward gap of sub-optimal actions and $d$ is the dimension of the feature space. This upper bound holds in the moderate-confidence regime (i.e., for all $\delta$), and matches existing minimax and gap-dependent lower bounds. We extend our algorithm to episodic linear MDPs.

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