Emergent Mind


Recent work demonstrates a bias in the GPT-3 model towards generating violent text completions when prompted about Muslims, compared with Christians and Hindus. Two pre-registered replication attempts, one exact and one approximate, found only the weakest bias in the more recent Instruct Series version of GPT-3, fine-tuned to eliminate biased and toxic outputs. Few violent completions were observed. Additional pre-registered experiments, however, showed that using common names associated with the religions in prompts yields a highly significant increase in violent completions, also revealing a stronger second-order bias against Muslims. Names of Muslim celebrities from non-violent domains resulted in relatively fewer violent completions, suggesting that access to individualized information can steer the model away from using stereotypes. Nonetheless, content analysis revealed religion-specific violent themes containing highly offensive ideas regardless of prompt format. Our results show the need for additional debiasing of LLMs to address higher-order schemas and associations.

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