Emergent Mind

Gradient descent provably escapes saddle points in the training of shallow ReLU networks

Published Aug 3, 2022 in cs.LG , math.DS , and math.OC


Dynamical systems theory has recently been applied in optimization to prove that gradient descent algorithms avoid so-called strict saddle points of the loss function. However, in many modern machine learning applications, the required regularity conditions are not satisfied. In particular, this is the case for rectified linear unit (ReLU) networks. In this paper, we prove a variant of the relevant dynamical systems result, a center-stable manifold theorem, in which we relax some of the regularity requirements. Then, we verify that shallow ReLU networks fit into the new framework. Building on a classification of critical points of the square integral loss of shallow ReLU networks measured against an affine target function, we deduce that gradient descent avoids most saddle points. We proceed to prove convergence to global minima if the initialization is sufficiently good, which is expressed by an explicit threshold on the limiting loss.

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