Emergent Mind

Embedding-aided network dismantling

Published Aug 1, 2022 in physics.soc-ph and cs.SI


Optimal percolation concerns the identification of the minimum-cost strategy for the destruction of any extensive connected components in a network. Solutions of such a dismantling problem are important for the design of optimal strategies of disease containment based either on immunization or social distancing. Depending on the specific variant of the problem considered, network dismantling is performed via the removal of nodes or edges, and different cost functions are associated to the removal of these microscopic elements. In this paper, we show that network representations in geometric space can be used to solve several variants of the network dismantling problem in a coherent fashion. Once a network is embedded, dismantling is implemented using intuitive geometric strategies. We demonstrate that the approach well suits both Euclidean and hyperbolic network embeddings. Our systematic analysis on synthetic and real networks demonstrates that the performance of embedding-aided techniques is comparable to, if not better than, the one of the best dismantling algorithms currently available on the market.

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