Emergent Mind


Qubit mapping is essential to quantum computing's fidelity and quantum computers' resource utilization. Yet, the existing qubit mapping schemes meet some challenges (e.g., crosstalk, SWAP overheads, diverse device topologies, etc.), leading to qubit resource under-utilization, high error rate, and low fidelity in computing results. This paper presents QuCloud+, a new qubit mapping scheme capable of handling these challenges. QuCloud+ has several new designs. (1) QuCloud+ enables multi-programming quantum computing on quantum chips with 2D/3D topology. (2) It partitions physical qubits for concurrent quantum programs with the crosstalk-aware community detection technique and further allocates qubits according to qubit degree, improving fidelity and resource utilization. (3) QuCloud+ includes an X-SWAP mechanism that avoids SWAPs with high crosstalk errors and enables inter-program SWAPs to reduce the SWAP overheads. (4) QuCloud+ schedules concurrent quantum programs to be mapped and executed based on estimated fidelity for the best practice. QuCloud+ outperforms the previous multi-programming work on various devices by 6.84% on fidelity and saves 40.9% additional gates required during mapping transition.

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